Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Well Done

Great job, Kent, taking a thought and carrying it through with little knowledge but jumping right into it and learning through it. The times of today use the internet for lots of information sharing, with a majority of it stuff I do not care to read. THANX for giving us the avenue to share wholesome information that can help others.

Rick Burgess

You guys may have already seen this, but the two year old son of Rick Burgess of the Rick and Bubba Show died recently and there is a you tube video of Rick's eulogy online at that is amazing. If you get time you should listen to it. Hunter was there for the funeral service since that is where he attends church in Birmingham (Shades Mt.) and he said it was pretty powerful.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Baptists hope Christ can heal their rifts | |

Baptists hope Christ can heal their rifts : "Baptists hope Christ can heal their rifts
Convention this week in Atlanta will focus factions on the mission of Jesus
By BOB SMIETANA • Staff Writer • January 28, 2008"

Note to Self:

Remember to refer to the Battle of Armageddon, noted in the New Testament prophecy and in Old Testament prophecy, as the Armageddon Summit or ultimate Middle East Peace Talks.

Just kidding. :-) Interesting lesson Sunday Bob and Tom. Quite interesting. Thanks for keeping a fresh spin on things.

Now, on to football.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tennessean 1/26/08

The Tennessean's Ray Waddle writes a religion, faith and values column. Today's article includes discussion of the upcoming Baptist gathering in Atlanta.


The New Baptist Covenant will attract 30 organizations (racially, geographically, theologically diverse) to promote the example of Jesus and liberalize the Baptist public image, now dominated by the conservative, high-profile Southern Baptist Convention.

The new movement may turn out to be the biggest surge yet of "golden-rule Christianity," a theological style emerging as a defiant alternative to doctrinal conflict. Golden-rule Christians (as sociologists describe them) favor compassionate action over creedal uniformity.

Here's the link to the complete article:

Friday, January 25, 2008

Greetings from Kent

Upon pondering the January messages of "what are you doing to make a difference", I came upon the idea of creating a blog for our Sunday School class. A place where good thoughts could be shared, links to devotionals, daily readings and such that might allow us to inspire, encourage, and humor one another as we make our way through these hectic times.

Proverbs 16:3 - Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.